Cute, aren't I?
New template coming your way... because I've nothing better to do :)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thanks for the cheer-ups guys!

I'm feeling musically recharged! Not to the the fullest, but hey, I'm back to making music. But for this entire week, I'm off from making music. I haven't touched any musical instrument. I'm letting my pieces age like cheese and wine, as my music teachers have so rightly stated. Assuming they will get better without any practicing, I'm taking their advice.

And a new template is coming soon, I promise! I just haven't found my muse yet. She's hiding in the deep, dark recesses of my messed-up mind. I'm gonna have to dig her out, dust her, and beg her for sweet inspiration. I do have an idea of how the new template will be. I can see it clearly in my head, but I can't quite produce it. It will take time, but I promise I will get it up as soon as I can. One should never rush inspiration.

0 question(s)

?dael had a question at 11:41 AM

Thursday, October 05, 2006

thought i might post something here for memory's sake.

incongruous thoughts:

i was going through my archives last night, and felt motivated to continue blogging. that's the reason this post exists. i'm not even sure if there's anyone who even visits here anymore.
i'm thinking of a new blog template. this one's getting old. any ideas? like, i don't think there's anyone to answer that question.
i don't feel like going to my piano lesson this afternoon. i'm musically drained, if there even is such a thing. i need a break from music for a while. but not like anyone would understand anyway. they would just think i'm a lazy bum.
the weather's been so weird lately. there are days where it would just rain non-stop, and then become scorching hot next. i wish it would be cold already.
i wish the FoF would end already! i can't wait for this week to be over...


4 question(s)

?dael had a question at 1:14 PM